Enthuse Projects

DTSA works on Enthuse Partnerships in conjunction with employers and STEM Learning.  If you would like to be one of these employers and fund one of our projects in the East Midlands then please contact Finance@DTSA.org.uk.

ENTHUSE Partnerships improve young people’s attainment and engagement in STEM subjects and develop awareness and understanding of STEM careers, contributing to the Gatsby Careers Benchmarks.

At the heart of every ENTHUSE Partnership is a collaboration between 8-10 schools or colleges, supported by coaching from a DTSA colleague over 2 years.

Each Partnership will develop a tailored two-year action plan, including:

  • teacher CPD combining local and online courses
  • free, curated and quality-assured resources
  • engaging with STEM Ambassadors to inspire young people
  • STEM Clubs to engage young people and develop practical skills

Benefits and impact

Impact on young people:

  • increased attainment in STEM subjects, narrowing the gap for disadvantaged students.
  • increased interest in STEM careers: more students interested in working in STEM industries.
  • increased understanding of STEM careers: more students aware of the qualifications and routes to progress in STEM

Impact on teachers:

  • increased subject and pedagogical knowledge
  • more confident and able to link their teaching to STEM careers
  • better equipped to draw on the opportunities offered by STEM employers
  • more able to support STEM enrichment activities

Current Enthuse Projects


Completed Enthuse Projects

Other Charitable Activities

Learn about more of DTSA’s charitable activities and the work being delivered in schools by following the links to these pages:

➡️ News and Updates page

➡️ SEND Training

➡️ School Trips