Stimulating Physics Network

DTSA is the lead organisation for the Derby and Derbyshire Stimulating Physics Network (SPN). SPN is funded by the Department for Education, is a school-led network of 50 lead schools and over 350 partner schools.

The main objective of the SPN is to provide a world leading education in physics to all young people by improving teaching and reinvigorating physics in schools, while aiming to increase participation and attainment across the subject, particularly for girls and other under-represented groups.


The network provides CPD, mentoring and coaching for physics departments and individuals developed in collaboration with dedicated physics experts, including serving physics teachers and accredited professionals, which aims to enhance subject knowledge and pedagogical understanding to enable better impact in the classroom.

The bespoke service is led by Greg Richards. Enquiries can be made by emailing

Physics students
Physics teacher
Physics teacher 2
Physics teacher 3

Encourage more students to enjoy Physics.

More physics support for teachers and technicians in your school.

More interesting ways of teaching the physics curriculum.

Further progress your physics teaching career.



Check out the FAQ page for assistance on how to register, make bookings, fees and other information. For any other queries regarding a course please contact Anna Cummings on



More courses are available online and in your local area of Derbyshire & Nottinghamshire or Leicestershire & Northamptonshire.

Derbyshire & Nottinghamshire Science Learning Partnership (SLP), trading as Developing Teachers of Science Association (DTSA) covers the entire geographical area including Derby and Nottingham for STEM Learning UK. Our aim is to allow all staff to support students to ensure they are the best that they can be. We are proud to have provided teachers, technicians and other educators with high impact, subject-specific professional development in science and the STEM subjects of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.