ITTE teacher training

Do you know a teacher in the making?

Do you know a teacher in the making?


Training high quality new beginner teachers in conjunction with the University of Derby is our passion, and we are hoping that you might be able to help us find the best people to work with our local children.


Developing Teachers Schools Academies (DTSA) have been delivering Early Years, Primary and Secondary School Direct training for the last 9 years. We are passionate about providing high quality Initial Teacher Training and Education (ITTE) in a full time school-based setting, and work with over 60 schools and a range of school trusts. We believe that this route offers the best possible opportunities to train successfully and to become an outstanding teacher.

For Primary and Secondary specialists, DTSA has strong links with the Science Technology Engineering and Maths (STEM) and is uniquely placed to offer a wide range of science training to help with the course content and practical ideas for teaching. At secondary, we offer most subject specialist routes.

If you know anyone interested, or would recommend anyone to become a teacher (Early Years, Primary or Secondary), please let us know by emailing or visit our website for further information: School Direct & ITTE – Developing Teachers Schools Academies (

Teachers are amazing. By entering the teaching profession, you’ve committed to making a real difference to each and every child in your classroom. We share a phenomenal opportunity to make a real positive difference. Every single day, we’re able to inspire, guide and enable the young people we teach to achieve great things. We may be new teachers, but I truly believe in the positive impact we can have for our pupils. Making a real difference to the lives of young people, inspiring and equipping them to do their very best, is the real reason why I, like most new trainees (Marsh, 2015), chose to become a teacher.

McCahill, P. (2021) ‘A strong start in teaching’, Chartered College of Teaching’s Early Career Hub, [accessed February 8th, 2022].

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