26 Mar Derby Covid-19 Community Support
Derby Covid-19 Community Support
In light of the latest Government guidelines around the Coronavirus – also known as Covid 19 – a group of community and statutory organisations have joined forces to coordinate help and support for people who live alone or who are self-isolating with partners or relatives.
The new Derby Covid Community Support group made up of Community Action Derby, Public Health, Derby City Council, Derby Homes, University of Derby, Thrive Derby and Derby Covid-19 Mutual Aid Facebook Group, agreed an initial way forward encouraging potential volunteers to focus on people who need support – however big or small – in their immediate local neighbourhood.
Being a good neighbour and checking on those people closest in proximity who may need help with shopping, prescriptions and other small tasks will reduce the need for potential volunteers to travel to other areas of the city and so reduce the possible spread of infection. So if you can help out in your immediate local neighbourhood please do! This is also a great opportunity to get to know that person you only wave at occasionally. And if there is a silver lining to the current situation it will be the creation of tighter-knit, friendly communities that look out for each other.
If you don’t have anyone around you in need of support then please get in touch and we, as a network of organisations, will match potential volunteers with those people most affected by the current crisis.
The support from the local Derby community has been overwhelming and our aim is to combine the resources to provide the best possible community service.
Please email covidsupport@communityactionderby.org.uk or call 01332 647900 if you would like to volunteer.
@DerbyCA @CommunityActionDerby
Thank you for your support
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