Completed Enthuse Projects

ENTHUSE Partnerships improve young people’s attainment and engagement in STEM subjects and develop awareness and understanding of STEM careers, contributing to the Gatsby Careers Benchmarks.

At the heart of every ENTHUSE Partnership is a collaboration between 8-10 schools or colleges, supported by coaching from a DTSA colleague over 2 years.

DTSA has worked with the following Enthuse Partnerships:

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Lead School: Loughborough College

Delivered September 2021 to March 2024 and coached by Jane Elmer.

Partner schools: Derby College, Humphrey Perkins, Landau Forte College, Limehurst Academy, Loughborough College (Lead School), UTC Derby Pride Park, and West Nottinghamshire College.

What is this partnership aiming to achieve?

  • Improved STEM skills for students transitioning from GCSEs to A level sciences and maths.
  • Improve development of employability skills for STEM related careers
  • Improve development of STEM skills for students transitioning from A level sciences and maths to STEM related degrees and apprenticeships


  • Feeder schools encouraged to do practical work in Biology and Chemistry to encourage uptake of A-Level sciences.
  • Biology STEM Clubs encouraging A-Level experiments and new STEM Clubs for Physics and Chemistry.
  • Students who attended the above practical work are now considering at least one science A-Level.
  • Collaboration with Loughborough University to improve uptake of STEM degree courses and collaborate on projects.
  • Introduction of AS Further Maths.
  • Working with employers identified soft skills that students could develop: Communication skills and critical thinking and problem solving, growth mindset and learning skills, resilience.
  • Arranging for a group of STEM students to visit local STEM employers.
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Lead School: Rockingham Primary

Delivered June 2022 to May 2024 and coached by Jane Elmer.

Partner schools: Briar Hill Primary School & Nursery, Cedar Road Primary School, Eastfield Academy, Edward Heneage Primary Academy, Kings Heath Primary Academy, Quay Academy, Rockingham Primary School (Lead School), The Arbours Primary Academy, Wold Academy.

What is this partnership aiming to achieve?

  • Raising aspirations through new experiences, personal development and exposure to new people and places with STEAM career focuses.
  • Developing an understanding of how science is used in the real world and STEM careers.
  • Enhancing science capital and developing through enrichment opportunities in addition to their current curriculum.


  • The Trust delivered an interim impact review, sharing good practice across the trust with leads receiving STEM Learning CPD with an emphasis on curriculum design to ensure opportunities.
  • EYFS teachers, first year ECTs and Science leads have STEM Ambassadors and sessions have been delivered by a geologist, an engineer and a forensic scientist so far, with further activities planned across all schools
  • All schools completed a sustainability audit as part of Earth Day with members of the school community looking at how they can enhance their futures.
  • Identified enrichment opportunities outlining the three disciplines of science and where science capital can be developed with ‘Super Scientists’ delivering STEM clubs and money being spent on STEM club resources and trips.
  • The results of an inclusivity and diversity homework challenge was shared and celebrated across the Trust schools and Twitter.
  • A whole community meeting has been planned to discuss engagement and ‘motivating the elephant’.
  • Jane Banham helped to personalise CPD to meet the needs of the trust.
  • The Royal Institution delivered a Science in Schools Day CPD day for staff on working practically in the classroom, plus a community science show for parents, carers and families to attend. The turnout was amazing.
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Lead School: Bosworth Academy

Delivered June 2022 to May 2024 and coached by Jane Elmer.

Partner schools: Ashby School, Bosworth Academy (Lead School), Hinckley Academy, Lawrence Sheriff School, Redmoor Academy.

What is this partnership aiming to achieve?

  • Increased diversity of teaching techniques linked to the progress of engineering students improved relationships with local businesses
  • Extending STEM learning for staff and students and working with other schools
  • Increased availability of STEM further study options
  • Increased student interest and awareness of STEM related careers and further study routes
  • Increased student self-efficacy in STEM (i.e. “STEM is an option for someone like me”)
  • Increased and more effective collaboration between employers and education
  • Increased quality and provision of STEM enrichment opportunities


  • A Women in Engineering day was held in which 3 of the partner schools invited students to attend, and the day was spread across the whole of Caterpillar
  • A management pathway has been established within Bosworth Academy to allow better communication with school leadership
  • Discussions of robot wars and after school club with a visit to President Kennedy School which was a very good example of student engagement with many good examples of students taking responsibility for their own learning. A tool list and program has been developed for the implementation of a robot wars program to be launched in September. Groups of students will attend Imagineers in Coventry, a launch event for multiple schools, to watch the robot wars competition at an inspiring location
  • Caterpillar celebration (70 years) was a fantastic event! Students visited and worked on a STEM project, around reactions boards. Students showed independence in this work and figured issues out for themselves
  • The lead school, Bosworth, has appointed a STEM-SLT link whose role is to promote STEM both within and outside the school, and who also works one day a week for the Space Centre
  • A programme of enrichment and 12 STEM clubs have been developed including science club, chess club and robot wars club. The STEM-SLT role came about as a result of this project, as well as a cross-MAT STEM co-ordinator. A LIFE MAT project is planned to continue the work of this partnership
  • A series of assemblies has been planned to get students more engaged and planning a STEM competition with teachers acting as mentors for the students
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Lead School: Bamford Primary School

Delivered April 2022 to May 2024 and coached by Jane Banham.

Partner schools: Bamford Primary School (Lead School), Bradwell CofE (Controlled) Infant School, Bradwell Junior School, Edale CofE Primary School, Eyam CofE Primary School, Great Hucklow CE Primary, Grindleford Primary School, Hope Primary School, Litton CofE Primary School, Peak Forest Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School, Stoney Middleton CofE (C) Primary School.

What is this partnership aiming to achieve?

  • Closer working relationship within cluster curriculum design for science to suit mixed aged pupil cohorts
  • Articulate progression maps to support planning for knowledge and working scientifically skills acquisition
  • Assessment confidence for teaching staff to make accurate and informed assessments
  • Increase confidence in teaching Working Scientifically skills throughout the school phases
  • Plans to link explicitly with Design and Technology where appropriate
  • Ideas to support raising aspirations amongst pupils for STEM careers
  • Progression of skills from KS1 to KS2 and within mixed age classes
  • Raise awareness and understanding of STEM job roles and careers


  • A progression document was created for mixed-age classes to support the schools which can be adjusted to meet their needs, rather than each school creating from scratch
  • There is a greater understanding of the role of a Subject Leader, as well as the confidence to act as leaders, and provision of the tools required
  • Reordering of a school’s two-year overview with justifications, improving their LTP to include assessment, rationale, substantive knowledge and enquiry overview
  • Enhanced provision in cross-curricular links with Computing and Maths, according to the comments and recommendations from the most recent OFSTED report in Feb 2023
  • Developed confidence in the Subject Leader to represent their subject during an OFSTED deep dive, whilst supporting and identifying systems and the evidence base to support their subject
  • Interest from OFSTED in the impact that the Enthuse Partnership has been having on the school’s development and review of it’s science curriculum
  • Transforming the thinking of the KS1 Lead in how they think about assessments, and boosting confidence to make judgements using TAPs to access their science concepts along with clarification of thinking to which skills they are using.
  • An EYFS teacher is feeling more confident revisiting floor books that are stored digitally following SPD support
Lead School: George Spencer Academy

Delivered April 2022 to March 2024 and coached by Anna Cummings.

Partner schools: Arnold Hill Spencer Academy, Derby Moor Spencer Academy, Farnborough Spencer Academy, George Spencer Academy (Lead School), Heanor Gate Spencer Academy, John Port Spencer Academy, Long Field Spencer Academy, Rushcliffe Spencer Academy.

What is this partnership aiming to achieve?

  • Better quality teaching and learning in Chemistry and Maths in Science
  • Improved outcomes for students in Chemistry and Physics
  • A higher quality Science and Maths curriculum which delivers Mathematical skills in a timely manner to support outstanding learning in the subjects. 


  • The creation of trust-wide Maths in Science resources has been created for consistency in Maths across both subjects.
  • Maths in Science questions have been embedded into the scheme of learning
  • The core team has been upskilled in teaching Maths in Science to disseminate information and practices internally
  • Progression grids have been developed which detail the progression in Maths skills through the Maths programme of study for Years 7 to 11, aligning the progression in Maths skills in Science for greater consistency in the order of teaching across both subjects
  • Creation of a Trust Maths in Science Handbook, detailing some standardised approaches to the Maths in Science curriculum and progression of teaching these skills across KS3 and KS4.
  • Initial mock results for 4+ at Chemistry using the new Maths In Science resources this term has resulted in Chemistry moving from 15% behind biology to 6% Biology
    Grade 5+ is 20% higher than it was in the previous mocks showing a great impact for this project. Improvement has increased from 34% to 54%
  • Chemistry Maths skills over a 1 year period (Nov 21 – Nov 22):
    • Average increase achieved in Chemistry Maths skills moved from 35.5% to 38% over a 1 year period when comparing like-for-like assessments
    • 8 schools are achieving higher average marks for Chemistry Maths skills
    • Percentage of marks achieved rose for these schools from 2% to 15% (32% to 47% of marks)
  • Chemistry outcomes from Nov ’19 to Nov ’23 have shown improvements from 54.9% to 70.6% at grade 4+ and 19.9% to 34.9% at grade 7+. Maths in Science skills in the same period increased from 30.5% to 45.3%
  •  Physics maths skills over a 1 year period (Nov 21 – Nov 22):
    • Average marks achieved in Physics Maths skills increased from 49.4% to 51.2% when comparing like-for-like assessments
    • All 8 schools achieving higher average marks for Physics Maths skills
    • Increase in percentage of marks achieved for Physics higher tier was most significant rising from 47.5% to 52.2%
  • Overall Maths skills marks across the Trust for all Year 11 students increased from 46.7% for the 1 year period, Nov 21 – Nov 22, and are currently sat at 55.9% for spring mock exams ’23
  • The ongoing maths in science training has been particularly helpful as it’s allowed us to develop common language with the maths departments so that students are more able to apply their maths skills within a science context.
  • Being given the skills and knowledge to improve students understanding and provision of guidance and confidence to colleagues in the Science Faculty
  • Deepening understanding of the early steps in getting students GCSE ready
  • Maths in science training for departments to skill up staff on current demands of maths in science.
  • Working alongside others and being able to share concerns and success points regarding the way maths is taught in Science subjects.
  • Maths training allowed us to implement a department wide strategy to develop common teaching methods and language across science and maths.
  • Development of classroom resources for displays to support students in lessons and secure a consistent approach between both the maths and science departments
  • Sharing best practice and collaboration with other schools
  • Personal understanding of integration with language/styles in the mathematics teaching
  • Coherent approaches
  • Up to date knowledge of maths in science requirements.
  • Learning a lot about the use of language and terms in Maths that contradict what is said and explained in Science and so being able to differentiate between them.
  • Sharing of best practice and access to a significant training package.
  • Working with other schools and getting to know other staff members from across the Trust to support sharing of best practice. Also an encouragement to work more closely with maths departments in planning and delivering subject specific CPD.
  • Building stronger networks and reducing workload through the sharing of resources and experience.
  • Opportunities to gain insights into the work in other schools as well as the differences in approach to support students with different needs who are not present in our own school
  • Identifying Foundation vs Higher differences in need
  • Sharing best practice. Collaborative planning.
  • It allowed better networking which supported in finding solutions to more significant problems like staffing
  • Working as part of a Trust wide network where school leads continue to develop and deliver an ongoing maths in science training programme to all science staff
  • Through continued contact with members of the partnership from other schools and contact with the partnership leader
  • Continued meetings led by science directors
  • Continue to deliver maths in science training across departments.
  • Continue to work with them on maths skills development (ongoing)
  • We are continuing as a group of maths in science leads in developing and delivering a training programme to all science teachers across the Trust.
  • Work at trust level will continue where our individual school leads will continue to work with the trust Subject Directors in planning and delivering CPD, so that we can then deliver this training to all staff within our Academy on a regular basis.
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Lead School: The Nottingham Emmanuel School

Delivered June 2022 to May 2024 and coached by Anna Cummings.

Partner schools: Alvaston Moor Academy, Bluecoat Aspley Academy, Bluecoat Beechdale Academy, Bluecoat Trent Academy, Bluecoat Wollaton Academy, Lees Brook Community School, The Long Eaton School, The Nottingham Emmanuel School (Lead School).

What is this partnership aiming to achieve?

  • To raise the profile, engagement and progress of science within the partnership schools


  • Science Olympiad was held for eight Year 8 students from each partner school, and hosted at Beechdale
  • STEM clubs are being set up at schools after completing the STEM Club training
  • Ofsted praised the work which had gone into improving the quality of teaching within Lees Brook Academy, stating that the students now have a stronger curriculum offer
  • Greater provision of extra-curricular clubs and activities including ones relating to STEM subjects
  • Big Trust Science Day held in November 2023
  • All new Year 7 pupils at Lees Brook Academy have visited the University of Derby to increase understanding of educational routes within STEM
  • Careers advice and links with employers have been strengthened
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Lead School: Noel-Baker Academy

Delivering October 2022 to September 2024 and coached by Anna Cummings.

Partner schools: Da Vinci Academy, Noel-Baker Academy (Lead School), The Birley Academy.

What is this partnership aiming to achieve?

  • Increased quality of teaching
  • Increased student achievement
  • More effective transition through education phases


  • A full staff day was held in December for Science, Maths and Technician staff to receive subject-specific and cross-curricular training, which was very well attended and received
  • STEM Ambassadors have been established throughout the partnership, who serve as inspirational role models for students. The Ambassadors have ignited a passion for STEM amongst the students, fostering a genuine interest in fields that wouldn’t have been possible without this support
  • Facilitated comprehensive CPD opportunities, both in-person and online, allowing teachers to enhance their subject knowledge and equip them with innovative teaching techniques and resources
  • Students are benefitting from a more enriched and engaging STEM education, preparing them for future success.
  • Cross Trust collaboration has been made possible by the partnership budget, leading to the creation of a Science Network Group, where the heads of Science meet every term to discuss better practices and uses of available STEM funding

“In summary, LEAD Secondary Academy’s Enthuse partnership has been instrumental in cultivating a thriving STEM provision. The introduction of STEM ambassadors, ongoing professional development, and collaborative initiatives have significantly enriched the educational opportunities for our students, empowering them to explore and excel in Science in ways that would not have been possible without this invaluable partnership.”

Flying High
Lead School: Flying High Trust

Delivering October 2022 to September 2024 and coached by Anna Cummings.

Partner schools: Alderman Pounder Infant and Nursery School, Beeston Fields Primary School and Nursery, Bilsthorpe Flying High Academy, Blue Bell Hill Primary and Nursery School, Brooklands Primary School, Cotgrave Candleby Lane School, Edwalton Primary School, Ernehale Infant School, Ernehale Junior School, Forest Glade Primary School, Greenwood Primary and Nursery School, Greythorn Primary School, Haddon Primary and Nursery School, Hawthorne Primary and Nursery School, Hillside Primary and Nursery School, Hollingwood Primary School, Horsendale Primary School, Hucknall Flying High Academy, John King Infant Academy, Killisick Junior School, Kirkstead Junior Academy, Leamington Primary and Nursery Academy, Mapplewells Primary and Nursery School, Peafield Lane Academy, Poolsbrook Primary Academy, Porchester Junior School, Rivendell Flying High Academy, Stanhope Primary and Nursery School, Stanstead Nursery and Primary School, The Flying High Academy, The Green Infant School, Walton Peak Flying High Academy, Whitecotes Primary Academy.

What is this partnership aiming to achieve?

  • Improved leadership within STEM subjects
  • Greater training opportunities for subject leaders
  • Improved student engagement


  • An Enthuse Partnership conference was held for all partnership schools, which was both well attended and well received. It provided ample opportunity for cross-school communication improvements, the sharing of ideas and practices, and a greater understanding of how others within the field teach their subjects.
  • There has been an increased understanding on how to develop a curriculum, and the various features within that curriculum
  • There has been the provision of a wide range of courses, from Food Technology to Supporting Your Colleagues, allowing for a well-rounded approach to CPD that covers all aspects of the teaching career within the partnership
  • Context within CPD was effectively linked to practical activities that could be used in the classroom, such as on the subject of Climate and Biomes.
  • The use of images, games and interesting information not only made the CPD more engaging and digestible, but contained elements that could be made relevant across multiple age groups and be used as an interactive element for the students.
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Lead School: Soar Valley College

Delivering October 2022 to September 2024 and coached by Anna Cummings.

Partner schools: Avanti Fields School, Beaumont Leys School, Crown Hills Community College, Fullhurst Community College, Hastings High School, Judgemeadow Community College, Madani Boys School, Madani Girls’ School, Moat Community College, New College Leicester, Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar Alford – A Selective Academy, Robert Smyth Academy, Sir Jonathan North Girls College, Soar Valley College (Lead School), St Paul’s Catholic School, a Voluntary Academy, The City of Leicester College, The Winstanley School, Uppingham Community College.

What is this partnership aiming to achieve?

  • Improve the confidence and knowledge of our Science Technicians
  • Create more practical engagement within the classroom
  • Improve student achievement and overall educational outcomes across STEM as a result of the above


  • Provision of physics focussed training has provided new ways of delivering practical experiences in the classroom
  • Technicians are taking on more of a vocal role in department meetings
  • Provision of a range of Technician CPD courses following the closure of the partnerships’ previous CPD provider
  • Increased interest in CPD training thanks to the enjoyable, engaging nature of the courses and the resources and expertise provided by the facilitators

“I have been a technician for 17 years but I am learning new things on a regular basis and my confidence is growing.”

“As a Senior Technician, I can pass all this new knowledge on to our wonderful teachers and by using the resources and new ideas the students will hopefully enjoy as we did today!”