Derby Cathedral are about to start their annual batch of recruitment of choristers and this year, but because of COVID, they are approaching it in a slightly different way. There will be no formal Be a Chorister for a [caption id="attachment_4849" align="alignright" width="200"] Like to sing...

INSPIRATIONAL DERBYSHIRE SCHOOLS HONOURED IN UK CELEBRATION OF TEACHING   [caption id="attachment_4514" align="aligncenter" width="1123"] DTSA Partners - Pearson Silver Award[/caption]   ++ Derby Teaching Schools Alliance wins Silver Award in The Award for Impact through Partnership ++   Selected from thousands of nominations, Derby Teaching Schools Alliance is one of just...

Derby Covid-19 Community Support In light of the latest Government guidelines around the Coronavirus - also known as Covid 19 - a group of community and statutory organisations have joined forces to coordinate help and support for people who live alone or who are self-isolating with...

DTSA are proud to be sponsoring the upcoming Derby Music Centre Gala Concert! Derby Music Centre groups and ensembles are available to all levels of music ability. All groups run on Saturday mornings during term time. [caption id="attachment_4056" align="aligncenter" width="576"] Derby and Derbyshire Schools Orchestra preparing for...

Funding for TSST (Physics) One school was not able to meet the funding criteria for TSST (Teacher Subject Specialism Training) in Physics so we have funded this place under our charitable aims. If you don't think you meet funding criteria contact us to discuss how we...